Friday, May 7, 2010

advertisements' influences

At present the mass media, including print, TV and radio, are flooded with advertisements. There is a growing worry among some people who believe that youngsters are adversely affected by them and advocate that something must be done to place restrictions on them. Personally, I share these peple’s point of view.
My first reason for this is that advertisements interfere with the healthy development of young people’s characters. The majority of advertisements are targeted at adults. Therefore, there is often something exclusively for adults involved in them, such as the adoption of provocative language and sexually appealing scenes. However, the opportunity for adults and youth to be exposed to advertisements of this kind is equal. As we know, young people are susceptible to bad influences. Their characters are likely to be warped due to constant exposure to such advertisements.
My second reason is that advertisements often mislead young people in choosing their lifestyles. Advertisers try every means possible to attract people’s attention, so they tend to give advertisements a loud and gaudy touch. A common practice is that movie stars and singers are invited to promote products in advertisements. It is always tempting for young people to follow the fashion blindly without realizing that real life is quite different from the dreamy one that advertisements offer.
From what has been discussed above, we can see that young people are subject to the negative influences of advertisements. The time is right for us to restrict advertisements by eliminating their unhealthy parts and by reducing their appearance, say, in media channels designed for young people.

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