Tuesday, May 18, 2010

surveillance cameras

Nowadays, supermarkets not only make a lot of money for their owners, they also bring them some trouble. How can they prevent theft without annoying their customers? The use of surveillance cameras seems a good solution, but more and more arguments arise with the increasing use of th such cameras. Before giving my opinion, I think it is important to look at the arguments on both sides.
Those who support using surveillance cameras in supermarkets insist that it is the best way to protect the owners’ interests. Firstly, a camera is more effective than security guards. One camera can easily cover an area for which 3 or 4 security guards is needed camera is much more objective. Sometimes our eyes might deceive us, while a machine can record exactly what happens. It can prevent much unnecessary embarrassment, too.
On the other hand, some people voice doubts about the installation of surveillance cameras. The most important reason for their disapproval is that such instruments show distrust of customers. Customers should not be watched suspiciously as if they were prisoners. Cameras can become evidence of a serious violation of human rights.
All in all, the best solution is for both sides to respect each other’s needs. The shopkeeper should place surveillance cameras in such a way that the customer does not feel that he or she is being spied upon. At the same time, the customer should respect the shopkeeper’s concern about theft.

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